Protecting what matters and giving courage

Insurance brand does not have to be protective and gentle. Security, that we provide, also gives people confidence, determination to move forward. Compensa can encourage customers to take on what's important in their lives more confidently because they have a trusted partner behind them.

The main value proposition we create and the promise we make to our customers continue to live on – we protecting what matters. Our daily operations continue to be guided by the values we know well: being trustworthy, going extra mile, driving innovations and bringing simplicity.

The main advantages offered by Compensa

Experience and stability. Compensa is part of the Vienna Insurance Group - which has been operating for almost 200 years, with branches in 30 countries and is one of the largest insurance companies in Central and Eastern Europe.

360º protection. From mandatory civil insurance to investment life insurance, Compensa can offer all the insurance products you could possibly need.  

Product novelties. Special insurance for electric cars, insurance for green energy devices, insurance against internet bullying, insurance as assistance service, OncoDrop - innovations are being developed to reflect modern everyday life.

Character of a brand

While the brands of insurance market players are quite different in character, the most common archetype is that of the „Caregiver” - soothing, promising all-round care. We do believe that the HERO archetype would help „Compensa“ to stand out among the competitors.


·         energetic and determined character;

·         empowers to act boldly in the world;

·         fights againts weakness, vulnerability and fear;

·         fights for and defends the weak, removing barriers and obstacles.

The hero's communication must create an impression of strength, determination, energy. Therefore, the visual language of the hero uses bright colors, strong fonts, photographs showing movement and travel, metaphorical representations of challenges, victories and achievements.

The tone in the messages is optimistic, encouraging and empowering - the hero encourages and empowers others to trust and act, to not be afraid to dream and to strive for their goals.


This is the main logo in its original colours. It is used for the purposes of press communication and online.

Logo structure

The logo consists of the name, the symbol, a dash, and a legend. The logo can only be used with all the elements present.

Minimum logo size

The minimum size of the logo is 25 mm in print and 140 px in digital media. Smaller logos can be illegible.

Logo buffer area

To ensure the legibility of the logo, its buffer area must be free from any other graphic elements. The buffer area around the logo is the height of the red dash and the Vienna Insurance Group subtitle.

Logo size

The size of the logo in main formats amounts to 1/4 of the width of the short side of the format. The recommended minimum size of the logo’s margin is the width of one character in the logo.

This rule does not apply with small or custom paste-ups.

 Logo proportions

Any enlargement or reduction of the logo must be done to scale.

Logo colours

This is the main original colour of the logo. All external communications use a coloured logo on a white background.

This is the secondary colour of the logo. A white logo on a coloured background can be used for internal communication (such as in presentations, annual reports, banners, and so on).

If the background is light-coloured, and the print does not allow using a coloured logo, a black logo will be used.

If the background is dark, and the print does not allow using a coloured logo, a white logo will be used.

Logo colour coding

Compensa green

HEX #007b34
RGB 0, 123, 52
CMYK 100, 0, 100, 25


RGB 255, 255, 255
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 0


HEX #ff0000
RGB 255, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 100, 100, 0


HEX #000000
RGB 0, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 100

Logo position on the layout

Recommended usage of the logo:

Top left or bottom corner – in all layouts.

In the presentations – centre of the compositions, adverstising clips production frames or when because of technical abilities is not possible to use logo on the left hand side.

Logo on a multi-coloured background

When the logo has to be used against a multi-coloured background, the logo will be arranged on the left, at the top or at the bottom of a white graphic element (paste-up).

Logo in social media

Only the symbol, rather than the whole logo, will be used for a social media profile picture.

Unacceptable uses of the logo

Rearranging the elements of the logo

Tilting the logo

Changing the size of the elements of the logo

Changing the proportions of the logo

Changing the colour of the logo

Using the logo on a background that
does not provide contrast

Using a multi-coloured logo on
a dark background

Using other elements next to the logo

Using the logo on a multi-coloured background

Compensa identity colours

The main colours are used with large areas and for backgrounds.

Compensa green

HEX #007b34
RGB 0, 123, 52
CMYK 100, 0, 100, 25


RGB 255, 255, 255
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 0

Supplementary colours

The supplementary colours are used in texts.

Dark green

HEX #0f421e
RGB 15, 66, 30
CMYK 90, 45, 100, 55


HEX #000000
RGB 0, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 100

Secondary colours

Secondary colours are used in graphic elements and in presentations.

Green 1

HEX #60b265
RGB 96, 178, 101
CMYK 65, 0, 75, 0

Green 2

HEX #a5d0ac
RGB 40, 0, 40, 0
CMYK 21, 0, 17, 18

Green 3

HEX #d3e8df
RGB 211, 232, 223
CMYK 20, 0, 15, 0

Accent colours

Accent colours are used to emphasise important information, such as promotions, special offers, and so on.

Lime green

HEX #c5f716
RGB 197, 247, 22
CMYK 45, 0, 90, 0


HEX #ff0000
RGB 255, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 100, 100, 0


HEX #ff5c00
RGB 255, 92, 0
CMYK 0, 70, 100, 0

Fonts for external communication and advertising material

"Parafina Bold S" is the primary font of the visual identity, used exclusively in external communication. The font is used for headers in PRINT and ONLINE layouts . It is used only by graphic designers.

"TT Norms Pro Regular" is the primary font of the visual identity, used exclusively in external communication. The font is used for texts blocks in PRINT and ONLINE layouts. It is used only by graphic designers.

"TT Norms Pro Bold" is the primary font of the visual identity, used exclusively in external communication. The font is used to bold texts blocks in PRINT and ONLINE layouts. It is used only by graphic designers.

Fonts for the documents

"Arial Regular" is used in all tools – internal documents, email communication, and presentations.

"Arial Bold" is used in all tools where text needs to be bolded.

Font sizes

This section identifies the recommended font proportions to be observed for the purposes of Compensa’s visual identity.

The size of the font is determined against the size of the main font, X. The levels of fonts scale vis-à-vis one another at a golden ratio of 1:1.333.

These rules apply to all digital and printed formats.

Font colour

Headings against a white background are always written in dark green
Hex #0f421e
RGB 15, 66, 30
CMYK 90, 45, 100, 55

Headings against a white background are always written in dark green
Hex #0f421e
RGB 15, 66, 30
CMYK 90, 45, 100, 55

Headings against a white background are always written in dark green
Hex #0f421e
RGB 15, 66, 30
CMYK 90, 45, 100, 55

Headings against a coloured background are always written in white
RGB 255, 255, 255
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 0

Main text against a white background is always written in black
Hex #000000
RGB 0, 0, 0
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 100

Main text on a coloured background is always written in white
RGB 255, 255, 255
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 0

A multi-coloured background may not be used with any text.

Graphic element

The graphic element of Compensa consists of the leaf symbols from the Compensa logo. The purpose of this graphic element is to reinforce the recognizability of the Compensa identity.

The visual element of leaves embodies the pursuit of continuous growth and improvement, as well as our forward-looking perspective, ensuring a sense of security and empowering the courage to tackle everything that matters.

Graphic element colours

Dark green

Hex #0f421e
RGB 15, 66, 30
CMYK 90, 45, 100, 55

Compensa green

Hex #007b34
RGB 0, 123, 52
CMYK 100, 0, 100, 25

Green 1

Hex #60b265
RGB 96, 178, 101
CMYK 65, 0, 75, 0

Green 2

Hex #a5d0ac
RGB 40, 0, 40, 0
CMYK 21, 0, 17, 18

Lime green

Hex #c5f716
RGB 197, 247, 22
CMYK 45, 0, 90, 0


RGB 255, 255, 255
CMYK 0, 0, 0, 0

Application of the graphic element

The graphic element must always extend beyond the boundaries of the paste-up..

When the paste-up includes a photograph, the graphic element may be used with a space in white.


In the visual identity of Compensa, corresponding icons are used to represent textual information visually and to emphasize (highlight) bullet points.

Compensa visual identity is characterized by the green-colored icons, presented in the icons‘ gallery.


Compensa’s visual identity may include an animated graphic element. The composition of the animated graphic element is subject to the same set of rules as that of a static element.


Movement and expression: To reinforce the hero archetype, it is recommended to choose photographs where people are not static but captured in action. Movements should appear natural and unrestrained.

Light: To create an impression of naturalness in the photographs, it is recommended to always choose natural lighting.

Colours: To emphasize the hero archetype, it is advisable to choose bright, contrasting colors. It is recommended to avoid dull, dark photographs

Framing: when there is possibility, recommendation is to use not usual framing. Recommendation is to avoid neatly composed layouts.

Mood: The most important aspect is to convey an energetic mood, portraying a sense of freedom and heroism.

For private products

For coorporate products

For HR

Personal accidents Insurance

Casco alternative

Casco Insurance

Casco for electric cars

Travel Insurance

MTPL / Motor Third Party Liability Insurance

House hold Insurance

Renewable energy equipment insurance

Pension insurance

Guaranteed-interest insurance

Health Insurance

Layout structure


The margin area of the layout is to be determined against the width of the logo’s symbol.
The distance between the logo and the heading also equals the width of the logo’s symbol.
The distance between the heading and the copy is half the width of the logo’s symbol.


With ad layouts, information is composed against a white background.


Compensa’s graphic element to be included.


The photograph is inserted beneath the graphic element and the key message.

Ad banners

When it comes to designing online ad banners, the recommended option is to use the available templates that are aligned with the guidelines of Compensa’s visual identity.

Instagram stories layouts

When it comes to designing layouts for stories, the recommended option is to use the available templates that are aligned with the guidelines of Compensa’s visual identity.

Tools such as bringing the photograph to the foreground and having it extend beyond the boundaries of the graphic element can be used depending on the elements of the photograph. The graphic element may not cover the character in the picture. Another possible option is to have the characters fit inside the frame of the graphic element.

Instagram posts layouts

When it comes to designing layouts for social media posts, the recommended option is to use the available templates that are aligned with the guidelines of Compensa’s visual identity.

Facebook cover

„Facebook“ viršelio maketo formatas – 820x360 px. Viršelio maketas yra pritaikytas būti gerai matomas tiek mobiliajame telefone, tiek kompiuteryje.

Employee account Facebook cover

This layout of the Facebook cover with a logo is only intended to use with employee accounts. The layout format is 820 x 360 px. The cover layout is designed for good visibility both on a cell phone and a computer.

E-mail signature

Video conference background

Video conference backgrounds are used with applications such as Zoom, Google Meets, Microsoft Teams.

The format of the vignette is 1920 x 1080 px.

Annual financial statements

This diagram shows the distances between the compositional elements in the annual financial statement template, as well as font sizes.
The format of the annual financial statements is A4. It is important to note that the outer margin of the inside pages is 17 mm, the inner margin, 25 mm.

Business cards

The size of a business card is 88.9 x 50.8 mm.
That is the standard size the fits most card holders.

Locked screen vignette

The locked screen vignette is designed for 16:9 screens.

A PowerPoint Presentation example and MASTER template

The presentation template is available in the ppt format.
The format of the presentation is 1920 x 1080 px.

Vizualinio identiteto gairės veikia tik desktop versijoje. Atidarykite šią nuorodą kompiuteryje arba padidinkite naršyklės langą.